Matured French Cheese

by shionline

Go on, Shir! You’re fun and witty, aren’t you? You should open a blog and be a beacon of light in our grey life on internet-land. This is what literally no one has been telling me lately, as I was holidaying in Europe.

It’s rare to encourage anyone to write a blog, these days, because it’s not 2005. Is it because I’m a little older now, or because 14-year-old bloggers have gone off the face of the internet? Are they all of Facebook now, letting out their angst in one-liners? It feels as though blogs have lost their justification to be bad, because now it’s just us mature, smart people writing them.

I’m not very smart, or mature, and expecting that is like expecting Glenn Beck to speak a coherent and well-supported argument. It’ll just end in tears. As I write, for example, I’ve just returned from a holiday in Paris. What did I do in Paris? I stayed in my hotel room, depressed out of my mind.

It could have been my family, the extensive travel (we were after a week in London, which was lovely), or just the French people who kept being French, but I felt completely depressed for three days. I could not bring myself to leave the hotel for any reason other than chocolate.

However, it also left me with wanting to write. It didn’t matter what about, how much, or where. I now have a blog, and since I’m not 14, I’ll try to angst here as little as possible. So why do I want this? For the joy of writing, to let out my thoughts, and share my ideas.

This is, of course, complete bullshit. I want fame and comments and likes. Love me. Love me. Please oh please love me.